Monday, July 6, 2015


This morning, after walking out of the stagnant hotel room to get some fresh air & enjoy the morning fog not offered in Arizona, I stumbled upon a path. I remember the bike path from my childhood; I had been there before when I was young, most likely riding my bike with a couple of cousins, but I held no memory of how exquisitely beautiful it is. Most likely I rode through it very quickly without even taking a second to take it all in. It seems that, as I age, I'm becoming more aware of just how beautiful Carpinteria is. Who knows, maybe it has no affiliation with age but rather, my appreciation for nature is constantly growing. It might also be that my love of capturing the beauty in this world keeps me constantly aware of my surroundings. Either way, I'm happy I stumbled across this cute little bike path surrounded by deep emerald colored trees & vines, & mossy rocks. It's a treasure.❤️